The Sea Lab, dedicated to the study and monitoring of the marine environment, will facilitate the coordination of the various regional monitoring systems already in existence in the Alto Tirreno - Mar Ligure region. This will meet national and international demand for the protection of the marine environment and its potential for innovation and growth (Marine Strategy and Blue Growth).


Creating a regional centre to calibrate, compare and test tools and platforms (primarily as a "virtual network" of existing ones).

Members will be able to calibrate instrumentation and share tools.

  • Management, processing and use of environmental data and of information from digital models. Environmental data will be subject to a quality validation system according to international protocols and standards (IOC-UNESCO and WMO).
  • Studies of human impact on coastal and port areas to incentivise the implementation of European directives and/or national/regional laws (e.g. ecosystem approach and environmental status evaluation).
  • Realization of a regional network of experimental marine stations.
  • Sustainable technological development in the marine and maritime transport sector.



In order to support the activities of the ship and sea laboratories, an agreement was signed between DLTM and INGV - the coordinator of the EMSO infrastructure - for the realization of an underwater observatory station (SEA) with the following aims:

  • Depth measurements
  • Water column measures
  • Measurement and monitoring of noise emissions and contaminants


The sea station will place DLTM and its members in an international context, and will also link to the pan-European networks SeaDataNet and EMODnet to share and manage marine and oceanic data.



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