A centre of research and innovation: why?

The Centre of Research and innovation regarding maritime technology and the marine environment (Polo DLTM) was created in September 2011, following the tender advertised by the Regione Liguria. The aim was to optimise the concentration of expertise relating to the field of marine technology, within the territory and making it more easily accessible to Ligurian businesses.

Are also part of it:

The 'Distretto Ligure' (Ligurian District) has become the managing body of the Polo DLTM, having a large pool of businesses and experience acquired in its first years of activity directed towards managing the creative process of linking research to business. 

The activity of Polo DLTM is concentrated on the planning and development of activities linked principally to four lines of services:

  • Supporting cooperative planning in Research and Innovation or Training, which takes precedence over regional, national and European Union tenders;
  • Creating a system of Cooperative research laboratories active in sectors based on maritime economics and creating a link among the existing laboratories in Liguria;
  • Planning and provisioning training for Specialised post graduate courses as well as the creation of an International Maritime Technology School;
  • The activation of a package of services offered to businesses, which are available upon request 'Sportello Innovazione'.


The activities undertaken by Polo DLTM integrate, in a synergistic and complimentary way, the activities of the 'Distretto Ligure', by increasing its influence within the regional, national and European Union area in the two most important sectors, which are research and training.


1. Supporting cooperative planning of R&S and Training

The objective of this activity is to create an original process for encouraging collaboration between businesses, universities and centres of research, in order to consolidate relational networks. This line of activity responds to the aim of supporting the territory and enhancing its innovative potential, also with regard to the improved uptake of state support.

In this context, Polo DLTM supports associates participating in national and European tenders for financing activities in research, experimental development or training, supplying:

  • Information about the principal opportunities involved and relating to the participating conditions;
  • Assisting in the creation of the necessary links to the participation of the project, facilitating meetings between business associates which have complimentary activities, as well as providing contacts with the international partners of Polo;
  • Support in establishing the proposed idea and in the preparation of the necessary forms concerning participation in tenders;
  • Managing the project during its creation (Project management and reports);
  • Interaction, on behalf of participating partners, with the assessing institutions, as well as, continuous monitoring during the course of the entire project.


Membership of Polo DLTM guarantees the opportunity to access finance supplied by 'Regione Liguria'.



2. Cooperative Research Labs (CoRe Labs)

Following the members' need for continual innovation, Polo has set up three thematic cooperative laboratories, where scientific and industrial researchers meet and exchange ideas (Open Innovation). Furthermore, these laboratories develop specialised post graduate courses. These 3 laboratories are:


The 'Distretto' members, businesses, universities and research institutes, co-operate with the three laboratories. These laboratories, having a close link between their research objectives forming a united ecosystem.



3. International School of Marine Technology

The project is intended to create a collaborative environment, where those with the necessary expertise can collaborate on shared training programmes. The International School of Marine Technology in compliance with European philosophy concerning “Smart Specialisation” and “Clustering” resources, wishes to create a point of contact linking three sectors which are usually poorly connected: Industry, Education/Training and Research, with the aim of:

  • exchanging knowledge and the latest developments within the three sectors
  • obtaining instructions about the training requirements of businesses
  • promoting modern and effective training activities, creating a close collaboration among industry, universities, research institutes and Educational/Training Systems


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4. Business services and the “Sportello Innovazione”

The 'sportello innovazione' is a package of services on offer to PMI, with the principal aim of maximising the opportunity to access finance at national and European levels (with particular reference to the new Quadro Horizon 2020 programme). This is possible through the scouting of calls, forming close partnerships and networking among businesses, as well as, supporting internationalisation.

The 'sportello' is also the point of contact between the demands of innovation from the participating businesses and services offered. These innovative services are made available by the cooperative laboratories network of Polo associates, in particular the CoRe Labs, including “on-demand software” available on HPC Cloud (“Software as a service – Saas”).

Furthermore, Polo DLTM staff assist businesses to create and present projects participating in national and European Union tenders. They also assist in project management and accounting for ongoing projects.

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